{ Our Experiences voice }

SKYEXCEL has become one of the leading international consulting companies, providing first-class advice and practical solutions for a changing world. In the primary FINTECH consulting business, we support new business skim creation and global negotiation Worldwide for developing the payment environment business model based strategic of our successful 20 years experience.

Our work draws experience dedicated financial services teams serve all major sectors of the industry, delivered by professionals in the world's most important financial centers.

And also SKYEXCEL support total international Import and Export trading as your agency which specializes in business transactions between Buyer and Manufacturers. We have been taking the work out of Buyers finding Manufacturers for their challenges since 2004 using the powerful relationship based on our payments environment.

 If you are looking for an excellent way to start a successful business from nothing and have fun while doing it, or challengingly expand existing business might be your perfect answer.

Furthermore, we provide robust Business Matching assistance for your cross-border businesses between China (Hong Kong) and other countries in your smooth negotiation.

Imagine Idea, Skim and Prepare the business

This is really going to be the most important part of all of your success.

You have to carefully consider your idea or where you find the opportunities of the right products, business skim and sell you invest.



Start with developing a relationship with professional agent tell your idea or/and what exactly you want to do.  And also you have to know all aspects of the business you into in, You should be aware of the Legal matters associated with the clearance of goods, license across borders such as bylaw and tariffs.

You need to structure your right partner for the establishing your relationship to provide you to be the success.

System develop & Launch

Once the business plan and reliable relationship can be established, we work in a number of sectors including:

• ICT system development.

•  Banking and FINTECH Solutions advice.

•  Rural Development, Environment, Justice & Border Security

•  Regulation concern investigation and proposal.

•  Financial Solutions advice.

•  International sales support.

We make  Cool solutions for your challenge of wold wide business










Here are some potential countries and we're supporting 100+ Happy Clients








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Fulfill your dream by doing the best way!


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